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Table Of Content

In search of advantages – unlocking unique values


Developing IT solutions tailored to your business’s needs can create unique and real value that’s hard to copy by your competitors. In today’s world, where technology is more accessible, it’s the uniqueness of IT solutions that can make your company stand out.


Custom software involves investing two precious resources: money and time. And while sometimes financial resources might seem less important, time is priceless – keeping you always one step Ahead of your competitors.

Scalability & flexibility – future proofing your business


Designing IT systems based on your specific needs means thinking ahead about scalability and flexibility. Your business can respond more quickly to market changes, implement updates, innovate, and meet growing customer demands while keeping full control. Pivoting new ideas – often impossible with off-the-shelf solutions or requiring big compromises – becomes viable with software crafted just for you.

Integration & process optimization – maximizing efficiency


Tailor-made IT systems ensure proper integration with existing systems and business processes, leading to significant work optimization and efficiency gains. Unlike standard solutions, which often need process adjustments, custom systems let you fully leverage your organization’s potential.

Security & compliance – fortifying your infrastructure


Building IT systems from the ground up allows incorporating specific data security and regulatory compliance needs, crucial in regulated industries. This ensures that all legal and security aspects are built into the system.

Long-term profitability and future development – investing in success


Though investing in custom IT solutions may initially seem costly, it can prove more profitable in the long run by eliminating license and subscription fees, potentially leading to a positive return on investment (ROI).


You’re in charge of the roadmap for the software you use, tailoring it to your needs. This means the software becomes even more integrated with your business and irreplaceable.

Use case example:

How an additional 10% in software customization can lead to your success

We’ve seen similarity in companies making unique, customized products. You have probably encountered a similar situation – how to introduce a customizable product to e-commerce, how to configure it, and how to carry out its pricing.

Consider companies making modular frame houses. With construction law liberalization, frame houses became popular. Imagine two hypotetical companies, Tiny House Pioneers and Wooden Frame Company, both seeing growth and wanting to offer modular homes online. They aim to reach international customers, cut sales department costs, and reduce communication errors.

Same topic – different approach

Wooden Frame Company uses off-the-shelf software, fitting their modules into pre-set configurations with limited customization.

Tiny House Pioneers, however, uses software designed for their needs, letting customers mix modules, choose materials, layouts, window colors, facade colors, roofing, heating, and photovoltaics interactively. Tiny House Pioneers allows customers to explore configurations, reducing sales department workload and expanding internationally.

Though both companies offer similar products and online purchasing, which do you think will attract more customers?


To conclude, that last 10% of IT system customization might seem minor, but can be crucial for gaining competitive advantage. Investing in custom IT solutions, based on deep business analysis, can bring long-term operational and strategic benefits.

Codelivery is a team of specialists ready to develop software tailored to your business’s unique needs, helping you gain advantages and outpace the competition.

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How To Choose Software House in 2024?

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In 2012, I invested in a project led by Marek and Dominik. Throughout the investment period, the company demonstrated creativity, and their pivots were successfully implemented by the team.


Early investor
